#fall guy
Written by Paul
Action, Comedy, and Romance (Commercial)
Throughout its runtime, the movie Stuntman centers around action, comedy, and romance as its main themes. Of course, it’s filled with highly commercial elements.
It unabashedly and brazenly leverages “Ryan Gosling” and “Emily Blunt” for its commercial romantic appeal.
Watching the movie, I felt that great actors always deliver their best performances, no matter the role. In this cliché-filled film, the acting prowess of these two stood out even more.
Action (Quite Impressive)
Stuntman is packed with action scenes, each one remarkable in its own right. The contrast between the simplistic storyline and the refined action sequences left me in awe.
Ryan Gosling (And Stunts)
Personally, Drive is one of the most impactful films I’ve ever seen, and Ryan Gosling’s image in that film remains vividly etched in my mind. At times while watching Stuntman, I couldn’t help but see flashes of Gosling’s character from Drive.
Few actors suit motorcycle or car action sequences as seamlessly as Ryan Gosling.
The way Gosling looks through a full-face motorcycle helmet, with only his piercing eyes visible, creates an image that is utterly distinctive.