Written by Paul
How to Set Up
You can create a TypeScript project following the guide at react-native-template-typescript-tv.
Since we are using React Native CLI, not Expo, you can create the project with the following command:
$ npx react-native init MyApp --template react-native-template-typescript-tv
This will generate a TypeScript TV OS React Native project.
Looking at the
, you’ll notice that the "react-native": "npm:react-native-tvos@^0.71.10-0"
package is used. This indicates that the React Native package is set to the specific version of react-native-tvos
for tvOS.This package is maintained as a tvOS-specific version of React Native, and you can follow the official repository at react-native-tvos.
Pod Install
Since we are targeting only Apple TV (tvOS), we need to run the
pod install
command.$ cd MyApp $ bundle install # If you haven't done this CLI step, you need to. $ cd ios $ pod install
tvOS Target
To run tvOS, select the
target as shown in the image below, and run the app.You will need the Apple TV simulator to run tvOS, so if you don't have it installed, make sure to install it.
react-native-video with tvOS
Although the official documentation recommends setting up tvOS, you can follow the instructions at react-native-video Installation.
You don’t need to manually link anything as everything works fine, including the release schema.
This version is around version 5.
For DRM support, if you are packaging with Pallycon service, you can refer to the example at Pallycon React Native Sample for Widevine and Fairplay examples.
react-native-reanimated with tvOS
React Native Reanimated works smoothly with tvOS in version 3. No additional setup is needed.
react-native-gesture-handler with tvOS
To ensure a successful build, you need to use
"react-native-gesture-handler": "^2.10.1"