relay cache - ConnectionHandler createEdge vs buildConnectionEdge


When the payload provided by the server is a node, it creates an edge for a specific connection using that node.

Reference from Relay Docs

You can see that the third argument is a node.

type CreateTodoPayload {
	todo: TodoNode!

type Mutation {
	createTodo(input: CreateTodoInput!): CreateTodoPayload!

Relay cache updater example:

const serverTodo = store.getRootField('createTodo').getLinkedRecord('todo')
const todoEdges = todosConnection?.getLinkedRecords('edges')

const newTodoEdge = ConnectionHandler.createEdge(
    serverTodo, // node type


When the payload provided by the server is a Connection, it creates an edge for a specific connection using that edge.

Reference from Relay Docs

You can see that the third argument is an edge.

type TodoConnection implements Connection {
  edges: [TodoEdge!]!
  pageInfo: PageInfo!
  count: Int

type Mutation {
	createTodo(input: CreateTodoInput!): TodoConnection!

Relay cache updater example:

const serverEdges = store.getRootField('createTodo').getLinkedRecords('edges')

const newEdge = ConnectionHandler.buildConnectionEdge(store, connection, serverEdge)

if (!newEdge) {

ConnectionHandler.insertEdgeAfter(connection, newEdge)


  • To create a connection edge from a node, use createEdge.
  • To create an edge from an edge provided by a Connection, use buildConnectionEdge.

Use them according to their intended purpose.

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