Building Rust Code into JavaScript Using wasm-pack




Written by Paul

1. Installing Rust and wasm-pack

  • If you don't have Rust installed on your machine, you can install it using the Rustup tool.

2. Creating a Rust Template Using Cargo

cargo new --lib my-lib
Running this command will create a new directory called my-lib with a Rust template for a library.

3. Writing the Cargo.toml File

[package] name = "<name>" version = "<version>" authors = ["<author>"] edition = "<year>" description = "<description>" [lib] crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"] [dependencies] wasm-bindgen = "0.2.63"
For more detailed information about Cargo.toml, refer to this guide: Wasm-Pack Cargo.toml Deep Dive.

4. Writing the Rust Code to Export to JavaScript
extern crate wasm_bindgen; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn add(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 { x + y }
Here, we use wasm_bindgen to define a Rust function add(x, y) that will be callable from JavaScript.

5. Building with wasm-pack

wasm-pack build
After running wasm-pack build, a pkg directory will be generated. This contains the compiled WASM file along with JavaScript and TypeScript bindings created by wasm-bindgen.

6. Importing the Compiled Code into JavaScript

In your package.json, you can link the compiled package:
{ "dependencies": { "rust-wasm": "file:../pkg", ... } }
Now, you can import the Rust function in your JavaScript/TypeScript code:
import * as wasm from "rust-wasm/rust_wasm"; alert(wasm.add(1, 2)); // Alerts: 3


  • rust-wasm-ts-template by utilForever
  • Official wasm-pack documentation
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